Cave Paintings …..

PhilEvents, News

Chalk Drawings morelike …..

Lock-down leads to all sorts of strange activities probably for all of us, anyway, whilst doing the now weekly shop for ‘essentials’ I spied a tub of chalk and fancied doing some doodling.

Here are my first couple of efforts. I’m not after praise (of course I am! ….. aren’t we all?) just sayin’ it’s surprising what we can find time to do whilst we are in the ‘stay home’ phase of these strange and surreal times we are living through.

Hope you are also finding time to be creative in your own way.

After too much sitting and tv I heard this great mantra I think I’ll call it, ‘The Less You Do, The Less You Want To Do’. For me, it’s true so I’ve typed it out and stuck it on the fridge door 🙂